Our News

by PH524309 15 Jul, 2022

Concrete Structure driver Chris Sayi was awarded VIVO Driver of the Year 2021 for his performance.

Pictured above is Concrete Structure Managing Director Vittorio Bongiovanni congratulating Mr Sayi, with Emmanuel Dumba, Transport Manager of Vivo to his left and Concrete Structure's Luis Maio on the right.

by PH524309 05 May, 2022

In recognition of the World Day for Safety,  Concrete Structure is proud to have been awarded the Best Safety Transporter Award for 2021 at the TOTAL World Day for Safety on April 29th, 2022. This is the second time Concrete Structure has won this award and we commend the efforts of all those in our organisation to maintain a safe work environment.

by NB 17 Jun, 2021
As Concrete Structure provides essential services, we follow World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines in our Covid-19 policy to ensure our preparedness in minimising and containing the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic.
by NB 17 Jun, 2021
  • Sam Mawoyo, our HSEQ and Road Transport Safety (RTS) Officer, is now an Accredited Driver Trainer for Vivo Energy 16. Sam completed his training in Malawi and scored very well, being awarded his new position on 26th March 2021. Well done Sam!
  • Our Internal Driver Trainer, Kennedy Mapondera, joined us in March 2021 and has been accredited by Zimbabwe Road Traffic Safety Council to carry out Defensive Driving Courses (DDC) in house.
  • We are trialling new Mixed Vision in cab camera units  The driver-facing camera detects driver events including seatbelt use, fatigue, phone use, distraction and smoking, with a built-in microphone for audio recording.
  • We have finished creating our own internal transport software database with a local IT company. This is an exciting addition and ensures the smooth flow of information throughout all departments.

    by NB 17 Jun, 2021

    We are proud to have been awarded the 1st Runner Up for the Best Transporter Award at the Total World Day for Safety on April 26th, 2021.

    by NB 27 Apr, 2018
    Read about the TOTAL World Day for Safety 2018 Commemoration
    by SM 08 Dec, 2016

    The PATROM Program to Improve Road Transportation

    Introduced in 2003, PATROM is a comprehensive program deployed across Total Marketing & Services affiliates across Africa and the Middle East. Designed to reduce the number of road accidents by emphasising driver training and fleet maintenance, the program engages all stakeholders, including transporters and drivers, in a continuous improvement process covering all aspects of transportation.

    The Transportation Management System (TMS)

    The TMS is an audit system that reinforces the PATROM program. Rolled out in 2010, it applies to all transportation activities by affiliates.

    As part of the system, five-step audits are performed regularly:

    –         Assess the transportation business in each affiliate.

    –         Verify that transportation tools are understood and used at affiliates, through six focuses: legislation and regulations, purchasing, operations, environment, security and safety.

    –         Confirm that the PATROM program is correctly deployed on the front line.

    –         Assess affiliate transportation activities using various key performance indicators.

    –         Prepare a dedicated action plan for each affiliate and evaluate their progress.

    Many accidents can be avoided by respecting a few simple rules. Total has published 12 Golden Rules to improve the safety culture of its employees.

    Rule No. 2 specifically addresses transportation and vehicle TRAFFIC.

    Total Marketing & Services’ Africa/Middle East Division has transposed this rule and added six specific transportation-related rules. The intent is to highlight behaviour and practices to be avoided or adopted when driving, with special attention paid to high-risk situations. These prevention rules are mandatory for all drivers on- and offsite.

    1.         I do not drive at night. I do not use my mobile phone when driving. I wear my seatbelt.

    2.         I do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

    3.         I do not carry members of the public as passengers in my vehicle.

    4.         I control my speed, respect speed limits and observe the driving times.

    5.         I check the vehicle before all journeys or loading operations.

    6.         I check the driver’s qualification.

    [Source: Total S.A.]

    Concrete Structure first embarked upon achieving  Patrom compliance in October 2016 and are proud to announce that we gained GREEN status, the highest ranking, on 7th December 2016. Safety - “for me, for you, for all”.

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